A production of Slashie, powered by unicodetiles.js

Switch to Terminal mode (Resets game)

How to play

Your goal is to become a Monster master by defeating the gym leaders of the 8 cities in your region.

Pick your starter monster (using ,). Then find the exit to route 1 from your hometown.

When you find wild monster, use "r" to release your selected monster in a given direction. He will automatically fight nearby enemies with his default skill

If you want to use a different skill, press the key as indicated on the right bar

To call back your monster, use "P"

To use items go to the "I"nventory and select a direction

Keyboard Commands

Arrow keysMove around.
IShow Inventory.
,Pick up items.
1 to 6Select monster slot.
RRelease selected monster.
PPull back selected monster.
V,B,N,MUse monster skills.